Post-Wedding Bouquet Care & Drop-Off Instructions


Please note that we are exclusively accepting bouquet drop-offs at our office in Key West. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate shipped bouquets, and any bouquets sent to our office will be returned to the sender.

Post-Wedding Bouquet Care:

Find a suitable vase that can accommodate the size of your bouquet.  Fill the vase with enough water to cover about 2 inches of the stems. Avoid getting the flowers and foliage wet. 

If no vase is available place a wet cloth on the stem and keep your bouquet in a cool dry place.

Bouquet drop off:

To ensure the freshness of your bouquet, please make sure to drop it off within 48 hours of your event at our office in Key West. No appointment necessary.  We've implemented a secure lockbox system to simplify the process.

As your wedding day approaches, we will communicate the lockbox code to you, ensuring a smooth and secure drop-off experience. Thank you for entrusting us with your beautiful bouquet.