Step 1: Bouquet Photography

Once your bouquet is received it will be photographed from different angles. The images will then be store in your file. This serves as a reference point, ensuring every detail is captured in the final preserved arrangement.

Step 2: Bouquet Disassembly and Rehydration

The next crucial step is to gently disassemble the bouquet. Each individual bloom is carefully separated to prepare for the preservation process. These flowers are then rehydrated, bringing them back to their original, vibrant state. This doesn’t bring a dead flower back to life, but it does help breathe a little extra life into the flowers that were on the verge of being unusable.

Step 3: Pressing and Freeze-Drying

After rehydration, the blooms are placed into our specially designed flower presses. These presses maintain the natural shape and structure of the flowers while evenly distributing the pressure. Once they're secured in the presses, the blooms enter our custom-built floral freeze dryer.

In this specialized freeze dryer, the blooms are subjected to extreme cold, reaching temperatures as low as -25º F. The key to this method lies in the near-perfect vacuum environment, allowing the ice crystals within the flowers to sublimate directly into water vapor. This vapor is systematically removed from the vacuum as the temperature gradually rises to approximately 70º F. This meticulous process takes around 14 days to complete.

Step 4: Superior Preservation

The freeze-drying process is the secret to achieving superior preservation. It delivers pressed flowers that stand out with unparalleled color longevity and durability, surpassing all other preservation methods available on the market. The result is a bouquet that retains its natural beauty and vibrancy, frozen in time at the peak of its elegance.

Step 5: Design and Arrangement

Once the flowers are successfully pressed and dried, this is where the creative design process begins.
The preserved blooms are carefully arranged, providing you with a captivating and enduring piece of art that will keep the memory of your special occasion alive for years to come.

Our frames are all custom made to order, using the finest quality materials available. In our processes, we meticulously choose only the finest materials, aiming to deliver the highest quality for all our clients. Additionally, we offer luxurious add-ons to ensure a personalized experience and craft a premium work of art.

Our floral preservation process is a harmonious blend of traditional techniques and cutting-edge technology. This commitment to excellence ensures that your preserved bouquet becomes a cherished heirloom, preserving the essence of your special moment in the most elegant and enduring way.